The Bushido of Bogney, Part VI- The Final Chapter

Under the Green Desk Lamp…

Green DesklampBushido: (武士道) literally meaning “the way of the warrior”, is a Japanese word for the way of the samurai life, loosely analogous to the concept of chivalry in Europe. (Source)

 Bogney: A tiny dog, wise for his years.

Today, we once again combine the old and the new for a fresh perspective on life through the eyes of our classy canine friend. This is the daily living of a small dog. This is the extrapolated wisdom of the ages…This is the Bushido of Bogney.

-Click Here for Part I-

-Click Here for Part II-

-Click Here for Part III-

-Click Here for Part IV-

-Click Here for Part V-

Lesson 1:

One quiet winter night, Bogney was sleeping peacefully on the carpet by the door when he was taken by a sudden fit of shakes. Terribly concerned, I took him to the emergency vet. Waiting with terrible trepidation, I thought of the countless memories we had spent over the 15 years we’d known each other. I could not control my tears.

I hoped for the best, but the best did not come. When returned to me, Bogney kissed me happily and wagged his tail with unrestrained joy, heeding no words even as his Doctor described to me the tumour growing in his brain, and the pittance of time he had left. Still in my arms he wiggled and squirmed, eager to leave this boring place.

The years left had become weeks, or months if we were lucky. I thought again of the many moments behind us, and the sparse few we might have left. Somehow, they seemed all the more valuable.

At Bogney’s insistence, we went to the park. True wisdom is often found not in fearing the future, but in living the present.

Lesson 2:

Bogney struggles to move at times these days. He is old and stiff, sometimes disoriented. Rolling over is a struggle now, but when the treats come out, he is instead all the more eager to shake a paw. Undeterred, he finds a way to get what he needs.

We could all learn something from this tenacity.

Lesson 3:

Good days come, and good days pass. Without warning one night, Bogney was taken again by seizures, and was forced to spend a day and a night at the vet. When I was finally allowed to visit him, I found him confused, and his senses dulled. He could not see what was before him, and set his shaking chin in my hands.

Finally, he fell asleep, and his snore was a song of relief. For this moment, he is content.

This is my place. But it is not yet his time.

Lesson 4:

In these days of decline, Bogney and I sleep together on a mattress set on the living room floor. We cannot risk a jump up to any higher bed.

One evening, lying on the mattress, I heard his feet creeping towards me. With his tail wagging and a grin on his face, he happily approached for a kiss, when suddenly his expression changed, and his lips curled in a strange way. His tumour sprang to my mind, and a wave of fear overtook me. Then, Bogney’s mouth gaped open, and he belched loudly in my face. It was long and loud. Both of us stood shocked for a moment, then I laughed, and he resumed with his kisses.

There is great value in a moment such as this.

Lesson 5:

Many months have passed, and the dreaded time has come. Bogney left this world with grace and courage. He kissed me goodbye, then fell asleep in my arms.

For 15 years we walked beside each other. Now our paths are sundered, and I am alone. Alone with everything he gave me.

All these ancient alarms are still going off in my head. Walks to take, food to give, meds to provide. Now to no purpose. Klaxon reminders of a battle with no winning. I am undone, and bereft of battlefields.

The way of the warrior is beyond us now. There is only peace for him now, and in time, myself as well. With his final battle behind him, the wise old dog has taught me who I always was. His final lesson.

I always will remember.

I love you Bogney.

-Brad OH Inc.

All Books Now Available on Booksprout!

Both ‘Meaning Less’ and ‘Edgar’s Worst Sunday’ are now available for eligible reviewers on Booksprout! If you are a reviewer, click the link here and check it out.

For those of you who have already managed to grab copies of the ‘Meaning Less’ paperback or e-book, thanks so much! If you have a chance, please take the time to leave a review on your favourite site, such as,, and/or Goodreads. There are very few things that help an author as much as a verified review.

For those who haven’t had a chance to get it yet, ‘Meaning Less’ can be purchased in paperback or e-book at any of the following locations.

Indigo/ Chapters


Barnes and Noble



-Brad OH Inc.


‘Meaning Less’ Promo

“Whatever happens, just remember that everything is pointless, and there’s no real meaning behind any of this. Try to relax and have some fun; it’s for the best.”

For those of you who have managed to grab copies of the paperback or e-book, thanks so much! If you have a chance, please take the time to leave a review on your favourite site, such as,, and/or Goodreads. There are very few things that help an author as much as a verified review.

For those who haven’t had a chance to get it yet, ‘Meaning Less’ can be purchased in paperback or e-book at any of the following locations.

Indigo/ Chapters

Barnes and Noble


-Brad OH Inc.

Nodding Off at the Wheel

Under the Green Desk Lamp…

Green DesklampNodding Off at the Wheel

White lines blur.

Headlights reflecting back

an even yellow glare,

and your eyes get heavy.

Not now, too busy.

Have to keep this thing between the lines.

No choice

but to keep going.

Not too far now,

not too much longer.

Then you can do it.

You can let it happen.

Lines shift back and forth,

gentle waves like water.

There’s water in your eyes now,

but you cannot catch it.

Just keep your eyes

on the road ahead.

Never see the world around you

until you reach the end.

-Brad OH Inc.

New Influencer Page up at Sands Press!

Sands Press, publishers of my newest novel ‘Meaning Less‘, have set off on an exciting new project. The Sands Press Influencer Program is available now!

‘The Sands Press Influencer Program is excited to work with the talented book influencer community to spread the love of reading. Our program is very straightforward: as a Sands Press Influencer Program member, we’ll periodically provide a list of available existing or upcoming e-book titles available for review. This will also include ARC copies when available.  You’ll pick the titles that you’re interested in to potentially feature on your account (you are under no obligation to post), and we’ll send you the e-book. It’s that easy!’

Check it out now, and share the word by clicking here!

For those of you who have managed to grab copies of the paperback or e-book, thanks so much! If you have a chance, please take the time to leave a review on your favourite site, such as,, and/or Goodreads. There are very few things that help an author as much as a verified review.

For those who haven’t had a chance to get it yet, ‘Meaning Less’ can be purchased in paperback or e-book at any of the following locations.

Indigo/ Chapters

Barnes and Noble


-Brad OH Inc.

Upcoming Sands Press Sale!

Hello friends,

On July 20th, 2023, Sands Press will be having a one day only sale featuring my new novel, ‘Meaning Less‘.

The complete list of books on sale will be:

These fantastic novels will be on sale for ONE day only, July 20, 2023, for $0.99 USD on a new platform Sands Press is trying,

The books will be on sale on and

Other places to purchase ‘Meaning Less‘ in the meantime include:

Indigo/ Chapters

Barnes and Noble

Be sure to leave a review!


-Brad OH Inc.

Have you Found Your Copy of ‘Meaning Less’?

Meaning Less‘ has been out and available since late March. At bookstores, online, and even on the rooftops of the Edmonton streets which inspired it, ‘Meaning Less‘ can be found wherever you buy books!

Meaning Less‘ on the Rooftop of Metro Cinema!

If you have managed to grab a copy, please take the time to leave a review on your favourite site, such as,, and/or Goodreads. There are very few things that help an author as much as a verified review.

For those who haven’t had a chance to get it yet, ‘Meaning Less’ can be purchased in paperback or e-book at any of the following locations.

Indigo/ Chapters

Barnes and Noble

I’ve found mine!

All photos from this post are courtesy of the immensely talented Owen Armstrong. Click Here to check out his work!


-Brad OH Inc.

Re-Share: On Laughing Too Much

Under the Green Desk Lamp…

Green Desklamp

This is an older article, from back in good old 2016. It’s always been a favorite of mine.

I’ve often been accused of laughing too much. It’s a charge I can scarcely deny. No matter what situation I find myself in, laughter tends to be my most ubiquitous means of communication. Sometimes, it may even be my own jokes I’m laughing at, which I’ve been told is especially distasteful. I’ve always argued that it’s just a matter of having good taste in comedy, but I’m not sure that’s really it.

The fact is, laughter is my favourite thing to do with pretty much anyone. To be fair, I may often claim that my favourite activity is drinking with good friends, or more simply enjoying a lively conversation, but the real crux of it is the laughter. Many of my closest friends and I will often exchange very few full words in the course of a long shared laugh. That’s bliss to me, that’s a connection, and I believe that it’s worth celebrating.

Sure, it can be construed as insincere. When the length of a conversation is marked by incessant joking and laughter—or sarcasm, most dreaded of deceptions—there are many who consider this to be a lack of honesty. ‘Why can’t you ever be serious,’ may come the cry from a pleading compatriot who feels that anything honest must be a solemn and stoic exchange.

But what could possibly be more honest than laughter?

You see, when a good joke lands, and your eyes meet to recognize the subtle meanings as they light up with laughter, there is a fulfilling moment of meta-communication similar to emotional intimacies like love. It’s a shortcut to bonding—an innate reliance on subtle body language to confirm even subtler understandings. More often than not, these understandings rely on past experiences and shared double meanings understood only by those involved. It’s a secret—and the laughter which arises from it is the sweetest of payoffs.

It’s communication and connection in its purest form!

Whenever people share a hearty laugh, their eyes open up to show a brief yet transcendent glimpse into the soul. This is a large part of why I always try to find the humour in everything; that, and the fact that life is just funnier that way.

Ultimately, I expect it’s a flaw I will always maintain—if it is a flaw indeed. To the chagrin of many, I will continue to laugh my way through conversations ranging from the frivolous to the solemn. I will hunt down the double meanings, call back to the shared experiences, and twist words in wonderful and weird ways—in constant pursuit of that glorious moment when the lips crack apart and the eyes shine like stars—confirming that some understanding beyond mere words has occurred, and that two minds have been momentarily linked in the thrill of this shared knowledge.

So I confess it, I am not likely to ever ‘grow up’ as so many call it. I will grow old, but if I have it my way, I’ll laugh right to the grave. A morbidly humorous epitaph would be ideal now that I think about it—preferably heavy on alliteration and innuendo.

Some may never understand this odd compulsion, but for that I offer no apologies. For those that find laughter an inherent roadblock to clear communication, I offer my condolences. For myself, I can only pray to someday be 100 years old, sitting in a wheel chair, hopefully next to a little old lady—laughing boisterously to ourselves. They’ll probably call us crazy. But who would I be to argue?

-Brad OH Inc.

‘Meaning Less’ Contest, Reviews, and More!

A man struggles to find meaning in a dystopian corporate hell-scape, but as he chases it in all the wrong places, each day begins to mean a little less…

Right now, my publisher Sands Press is running a contest that gives you a chance to win a free copy of my new novel, ‘Meaning Less’.

Click Here to Enter!

For those of you who have already managed to grab copies of the paperback or e-book, thanks so much! If you have a chance, please take the time to leave a review on your favourite site, such as,, and/or Goodreads. There are very few things that help an author as much as a verified review.

For those who haven’t had a chance to get it yet, ‘Meaning Less’ can be purchased in paperback or e-book at any of the following locations.

Indigo/ Chapters

Barnes and Noble


-Brad OH Inc.

‘Meaning Less’ News and Reviews

“Whatever happens, just remember that everything is pointless, and there’s no real meaning behind any of this. Try to relax and have some fun; it’s for the best.”

Today, I’m happy to announce that an Audio-book of ‘Meaning Less’ is in production now! More news, including release date, will be here as soon as it’s available.

For those of you who have managed to grab copies of the paperback or e-book, thanks so much! If you have a chance, please take the time to leave a review on your favourite site, such as,, and/or Goodreads. There are very few things that help an author as much as a verified review.

For those who haven’t had a chance to get it yet, ‘Meaning Less’ can be purchased in paperback or e-book at any of the following locations.

Indigo/ Chapters

Barnes and Noble


-Brad OH Inc.